Otis Q. Sellers – Our Founder
Otis Q. Sellers, a believer in and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ for over seventy-three years, was an assiduous student of the Bible. His business in life was the study and proclamation of the Word of God, studies made public by means of radio broadcasts, the writing and distribution of Bible-study literature, the production of a tape-recorded ministry, and twice-yearly Bible conferences across the United States.
As a personal student of God’s written word he came to his own conclusions after considering all the Biblical material available and any extraneous material that could shed light on the subject under consideration. He studied Hebrew and Greek words in order to bring forth their exact historical and grammatical meanings. Constant study forced him to alter some of his former beliefs and he asked that all readers take his latest writing to be his latest light.
Sellers became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ at age 18. He attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, becoming an ordained minister in 1922. He traveled with an evangelistic party for several years and served as pastor in Baptist churches. However, by 1932 his studies of the Bible led him away from the rituals and ordinances (such as water baptism), and he left the Baptist Church.
He began writing pamphlets in 1935 and soon was publishing a magazine called The Word of Truth (17 Volumes, over the next 20 years). He expanded this ministry with booklets, radio broadcasts, and a Tape Library of 570 recorded messages covering most books of the Bible as well as doctrinal issues.
In 1971 he began publishing four-page leaflets called Seed and Bread. At the time of his death he had produced 196 of these. (ALL are available on this Site for free.)
Just a few months before his stroke in 1987, he made a home video, a 30-minute message on “You Need a Savior.”
Those of us who continue his work do it to glorify God, to glorify the name of Jesus Christ, with devotion to the truth always the primary goal. This is Otis Q. Sellers’ legacy to us all.