Otis Q. Sellers, Founder ******* David R. Hettema, Director
Volume 3, No. 6 Jane Sellers Hancock, Editor September 2011
Jane S. Hancock
I’ve mentioned before in this column how much our Los Angeles group enjoys sitting in a circle and reading from one of Otis Q. Sellers’ studies, stopping along the way to ask for clarification, to delve more deeply into the subject, to look up Scripture references. This way everyone who wants to can participate and others can quietly listen and learn.
One Sunday we read from the little pamphlet This I Believe, written by OQS in 1963. What are some of the things he believes? He believes that the Messiah of the Old Testament is the Christ of the new. He believes that Jesus, the Son of God, is the Christ. He believes that the Bible never speaks of the end of the world but only of the salvation of the world. He believes that Christ will save the world.
It was my turn to read and when I finished my section, I was astounded by the fact that the three pages I had read were all one sentence—and what a fantastic sentence! In this one sentence we find many of the promises—all from the Old Testament—that are revealed in the Word of God, promises that will be fulfilled when Christ rules the world.
As the pages of the Old Testament are turned, one reads of a time to come when the entire flow of satanic evil will be overwhelmed by a greater flow of righteousness from one who is the seed of the woman, even Christ (Gen 3:15). He goes on to read of a time when all the ends of the earth will remember and be turned to the Lord (Psa. 22:27); when all the earth will fear the Lord and all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him (Psa. 33:8); when the meek will inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace (Psa. 37:11): when the streams of God’s river will make glad the city of God (Psa. 46:4); when wars will cease and God will be exalted among the nations (Psa. 46:8-10); when God’s way will be known upon the earth and His saving health will be the portion of all nations (Psa. 67:2); when God will judge the peoples righteously and govern the nations upon the earth (Psa. 67:3-4); when God will bless Israel and all the ends of the earth will fear Him (Psa. 67:7); when all nations will call Him blessed and the whole earth be filled with His glory (Psa. 72:17, 19); when the world will be established so that it cannot be disrupted (Psa. 96:10); when the nations will fear the name of the Lord (Psa. 102:15); when one generation will praise His works to another and declare His mighty acts (Psa. 145:4); when God will turn His hand upon Israel and purge away her dross (Isa. 1:25); when the mountain of the Lord’s house will be established in the top of the mountains and all nations will flow unto it (Isa. 2:2); when nations will beat their swords into plowshares and turn all instruments of destruction into instruments of peace (Isa. 2:4); when the wolf will dwell with the lamb and the leopard will lie down with the kid and a little child will lead them (Isa. 11:6); when none will hurt or destroy, and the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Isa. 11:9); when God’s judgments will be in the earth and the inhabitants of the earth will learn righteousness (Isa. 26:9); when the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of ‘the deaf’ be unstopped; when the lame will leap as a hart and the tongue of the dumb sing (Isa. 35:5, 6); when the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh will see it together (Isa. 40:5); when God will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, put His law in their inward parts and write it upon their hearts (Jer. 31:27, 33): when God will fulfill His great promise to Israel to seek them out, bring them out from all peoples and all countries and bring them to their own land, and to set one shepherd over them, even David (Ezek. 34:11-24); when out of Bethlehem will come One to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting (Micah 5:2); when the Lord will be king over all the earth (Zech. 14:9).
(From This I Believe by Otis Q. Sellers, pp. 23-25.)
After reading this sentence, did you feel the same way that I did? Were you stunned by how powerful the message is? How complete? How clear? How wonderful the promises? Do you want more than this one sentence? We are enclosing the pamphlet This I Believe with this mailing. Perhaps you would like to get a group together and read it out loud. I strongly recommend it.
David R. Hettema
Recently, this Director has attempted to devote his study of God’s Word to the timing of the coming events of the Kingdom of God. By accurately locating these prophesies in God’s Word and finding the “time posts” given for that event, you will uncover a prophetic time chart. For instance: the 490 years (the seventy sevens) time period that our God has determined for the nation of Israel, directly, and the other nations, indirectly. It is a definite unbroken time period of 490 years that will occur within the total of the more than 1,500 years of the Government of God. (It is a period of time that includes the first day of His Government, continuing all the way through to the New Heavens and New Earth.)
Israel’s special seventy sevens (490 years) are revealed by God through His Prophet Daniel (see Dan. 9:24-27). The prophecy has a “time clock” beginning and ending for us to follow God’s prophetic words concerning Israel in that time. Daniel’s ninth chapter also gives us a prophetic events calendar for the nations to trace out the who, what, and where as God’s Words are being fulfilled before their eyes.
When this present dispensation of God’s grace is completed, the present silence of God will become His voice calling Israel to return to their promised land: “I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you” (Isa. 44:22).
When God does intervene, that time clock of 70 weeks does not start at the same time that God’s Government begins. That time frame waits for a prophetic sign from God to begin the 490-year’s clock (Isa. 44:25).
The First Day of God’s Government
(Below is some commentary and verses, which speak for themselves.)
A Dispensational Change Comes to the Earth, The God of Every Grace Now Becomes the Judge of All the Earth
On that day, God’s Spirit will bring life and light to all the living upon the earth. Resurrections will begin in their order, and Elijah the prophet will be sent to Jerusalem (Mal.4:5-6).
“Behold! My Servant whom I have chosen, My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! I will put My Spirit upon Him, and He will declare justice to the Gentiles. He will not quarrel nor cry out, nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets. A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench, till He sends forth justice to victory; and in His name Gentiles (nations) will trust” (Matt. 12:18-21, NKJV).
The following portion of inspired Scripture is God speaking of the former Temple site in Jerusalem, which originally was the great stone threshing floor that King David bought from Araunah the Jebusite (2 Sam. 24:21-25). It was the future site for Solomon’s Temple.
Let’s turn to Isaiah 60:1-22 (NKJV) and read:
1.) “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.”
Over 2,000 years ago, Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by warfare and fire, then covered and buried by the Romans so as to wipe it off the earth forever. When God determines to assume sovereignty, and to restore and rule His earth, Jerusalem will become the center of His attention and His presence.
2.) “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
Throughout the Old Testament, when the words “the glory of the Lord” appeared, it indicated God’s presence at that scene. God through His Spirit will be ruling the earth from Jerusalem.
3.) “The Gentiles (nations) shall come to thy light and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
In Zechariah 14:17 we read of the annual requirements for the Nations to send their representatives to Jerusalem and the penalties of avoiding meeting with the God of all the earth.
4.) “Lift up your eyes all around, and see: they all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side.”
Within a period of time all of the living and the resurrected of Israel will be returned to the land, joined together in the New Covenant with their God.
(Editor’s Note: This is just a beginning. Look for more commentary on verses 5 through 22 in the next Word of Truth Bulletin.)
We are again offering Word of Truth written and audio materials at special prices for your consideration as possible presents to your family and friends this coming Christmas Season.
The little red booklet Let Us Even now Go Unto Bethlehem, priced to 50 cents each (including a mailing envelope), can be an excellent replacement for the usual bland “Seasons’ Greetings” cards. And the two Seed & Bread Volumes of 199 messages are filled with Otis Q. Sellers’ studies of the truths of the Word of God while also being attractive additions to any Bible student’s library. These, along with many other items, can be found discounted on the enclosed pink form.
We look forward to your orders, and thank you for your faithful support in helping spread these well-studied truths of the Word of God to others.
Each year around late summer, we experience the “mid-summer doldrums.” While we have a good handful of faithful ones who send in their support regularly via mail or PayPal (and they are deeply appreciated), the totals of donations fall off, leaving our bank account precariously low.
Some of our major costs have included publishing some out-of-print booklets and the upkeep of the not-so-cheap Internet site.
We haven’t asked for your help in many years, thanks to your generosity, but the need to do so is now, before major changes must be made. We know that you, like us, receive many pleas for help from other organizations—and donation choices are many. However, we thank you for your support just the same.
You may still send donations via the mail to the headquarters at 228 N. El Molino Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101-1675 or over the Internet via www.seedandbread.org and go to “donations.”
Thank you for your faithfulness to this Ministry. We will continue to provide you and yours with Bible study materials that have set us all free!
In Southern California (Los Angeles Area):
The Word of Truth Ministry, 228 N. El Molino Ave., Pasadena; Sundays from 10:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Mr. David Hettema presides; Dr. Milton Hammond alternates. Hettema may be reached at his daughter’s home (909) 626-5808. Hymn “sing-a-long” before service. “We continue studies based upon the Biblical records of our Bible, and written/spoken words of the late Otis Q. Sellers.”
In New York (New York City Area):
The Chelsea Studios, 151 West 26th Street (Room No. 609), New York City, the last Sunday of each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Mr. Luis Casillas, moderator. Contact Mr. Mike Steele by e-mail: quickby@juno.com. “We use O.Q. Sellers’ Seed & Bread leaflets (found on www.seedandbread.org) as a guide for our discussions.”
In New York:
Endicott, No regular schedules. Contact Mr. Robert Briggs at (607) 748-4870 for information.
In New Jersey:
430 Boulevard Ave., Pitman, Mondays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mr. Sam Marrone presides as host and may be reached at (856) 589-6256 or by e-mail at andthewordwasgod@hotmail.com. Marrone notes, “Bring your Bible and a hunger for the Word.”
In Texas (Houston Area):
5847 Chinaberry Drive, Houston, Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 or 1 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Don Black are hosts and may be contacted at (713) 462-2250. “We usually listen and study one of Otis Sellers’ tapes.”
In Minnesota (St. Paul
622 Selby Ave. (Room above Mississippi Market Food Co-op), St. Paul, Every other Friday, 6 p.m. Mr. Nathan C. Johnson presides and may be reached at (651) 737-0144 (work). Johnson encourages: “Please contact me, and come enjoy your time around God’s Word with our group.”
In Oregon:
Portland, No regular schedules. Contact Mr. Bob English at (503) 357-8449 for information.
In South Carolina:
3800 Cottage Path, Sumter, the second Sunday and the last Sunday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mr. Allen Tolbert presides and is assisted by Mr. James Johnson. You can contact Tolbert at (803) 469-7190 in South Carolina or Johnson at (704) 864-4212 in North Carolina. “Bring your Bible and come believing God’s Word.”
In Florida:
9082 Chatsworth Cascades, Boca Raton, Wednesday and Saturday at 7 p.m. Mr. Frank Bonano presides. You can contact us at (561) 367-3316 or (561) 883-5018. “We use The Word of Truth Seed & Bread leaflets.
Bible Study Audio Disks
By Otis Q. Sellers, Bible Teacher
The entire Tape Library (TL) series, consisting of numbers TL-001 to TL-570, is available on MP3 compact disks. A complete subjects list may be obtained from our Web site, www.seedandbread.org, or the home office in Pasadena, CA, or writing/e-mailing:
The Word of Truth Ministry
Mrs. Gwen Staiger
121 Wood Oak Dr., Joshua, TX 76058
E-mail: gsrecorder@sbcglobal.net
By Joanne L.H. Johnson
It was predicted at the beginning of the year, broadcast on radio, television and the Internet. Many people thought that the world would end on May 21, 2011. But nothing happened! Radio evangelist founder for Family Radio International, Harold Camping, foretold the end of the world would be on this particular day at 6 p.m. (PDT). How could this be? No people were “raptured” off to Heaven. The world did not end! Camping claimed the reason for “nothing happening” was that his calculations were off! And now he has set a new date. Oddly enough, the same thing will happen again—nothing!
Otis Q. Sellers says in One-A-Day No. 85 on The Rapture: “The word rapture is not found anywhere in the New Testament. That event which is commonly called ‘the rapture’ is an incident related to the personal return of Jesus Christ to this earth.” Later in the article, Sellers explains why it is not proper “to take a prophecy that speaks of the Lord returning to the earth and twist it into one of people going to heaven.” This One-A-Day article is very interesting reading with Scriptures (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) explained to back up what he says.
Rather than talk about the unscriptural event of “the end of the world,” which is mistranslated only in the King James Version (the version that Camping preferred to use), Sellers talks about “characteristics of men in the last days” of the concluding days of the Dispensation of Grace. In One-A-Day No. 83, titled Are You Watching?, Sellers says, “These last days are to be characterized by ‘perilous times,’ a phrase that means, when the Greek is considered, periods of fierceness of violence. Then we are told what the predominating social characteristics of men will be. Nineteen of these are listed, thus providing us with a set of concurrent conditions that indicate whether or not we are in the ‘last days’ of this dispensation That is what we have with preachers like Camping who try to tell us when the world will be coming to an end. A particular Scripture verse that talks about “the end of the world” is when Christ was with His disciples who asked: “Tell us when shall these things be? And (even) what shall be the sign of Thy coming, and (even) the end of the world (the consummation of the eon—in the Greek)?” (Matt. 24:3). This indicates that Christ was to come back to earth at a future time, but it was not “the end of the world,” which is a mistranslation of this particular verse. Christ’s answer to his apostles was about the wars and rumors of wars and about false prophets who would come to steal away an innocent person’s faith at the end of the Kingdom. This leads into the time when Christ will judge the nations. And there is a picture of the Kingdom judgment in Matthew 25:31-46. In the 1960s, Sellers related how during his lifetime many other religions or churches presented people with other dates when the world would end. Each time it was predicted, it did not end. We are still here today. Men have been predicting the end of the world for years (like the Catholics during the first 1000 years after the death of Christ), and luckily for us it has not happened. God and the Bible never predicted it—the Greek was mistranslated. (See other versions like the New American Standard Bible or the New International Version for a more accurate translation.) In contrast to the “end of the world” or “the rapture,” we at The Word of Truth Ministry believe in the ancient Jewish belief of the resurrection of the dead (see Sellers’ booklet entitled, Six Messages on the Resurrection of the Dead). That is far different from both “the rapture” and “the end of the world.” We believe that resurrection of the dead will occur in the future Kingdom of God—that it will happen in God’s time, not our time. We will be raised with a new body as it says in 1 Corinthians 15:35-50. No ill health, no disabilities, no mental health problems to boot. Everything will be perfect in that time period. We also need to be aware of false prophets, because they can be equated to “satanic counterfeits,” as Sellers writes in the booklet entitled by the same name, Satanic Counterfeits. They only tell us what we may want to hear, but is not necessarily the truth of God. All words must be tested to make sure whether they “ring” true or not. Do we have false prophets today? Yes. And do we need to abide by the truth found in better translations of the Scriptures? Yes. Also, we need to look forward to the Kingdom of God when men will be raised from the dead, either to life everlasting or to destruction, and not the non-existent “rapture” or/and “the end of the world.” ————